About Julia

About Julia Buckley

Julia Buckley is a Chicago-area mystery writer. She taught high school English for more than thirty years before retiring early to focus on writing.

She has loved mysteries since she was a teenager, and she still reads them voraciously, so naturally she chose to write in the genre, as well.

She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago with strong European influences: her mother was from Germany, and her father was the son of Hungarian immigrants.

She has four siblings to whom she remains close, and her father, Bill, was a crucial resource when she wrote the Hungarian Tea House mysteries.

She has two grown sons who have inspired some of her best dialogue since their toddler years.

She lives near Chicago with her husband, Jeff, a Black Lab named Digby, and three cats named Ash, Peach, and Panther.

“Appealing characters combine seamlessly with a twisty mystery in this pleasing tale of love and hate.”

Kirkus Reviews on Death on the Night of Lost Lizards

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Death Through A Dark Green Glass is available in print and a variety of e-formats.


"There are always the dreams of 'someday.' Those lovely images one has of spectral landscapes, decorating the imagination and glittering like gold."

--Camilla Graham

A Dark and Stormy Murder

Julia Buckley Interview

Julia Buckley's Cats
